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Reflecting in the Meadow

The hormone systems of the female body are extremely complex, multifaceted, and interconnected, and they are continually evolving. We may potentially struggle in our menstrual years with PMS, cramps, heavy flow, and irregular periods. In our perimenopausal years, we may experience increased anxiety, hot flashes, changes in cycle regularity, increased sensitivity to stress, sleep disturbances, and weight gain. During menopause, the lack of a cycle brings potential osteoporosis, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, loss of muscle mass, hair loss, lack of libido and vaginal dryness, and memory changes.


Our thyroid, ovaries and adrenal glands communicate with one another on a regular basis, and our diet and lifestyle have a direct impact on how well they work together.



Estrogen dominance with

high serum estrogen

• Irregular or heavy period

• Water retention and bloating

• Sleep disturbance

• Irritability, mood swings, depression

• Headaches

• Fatigue

• Short-term memory loss

• Weight gain

• Sweet cravings

• Uterine fibroids

• Fibrocystic Breasts


As you can see, there are many overlapping symptoms between the hormonal imbalances described above (these are not the only symptoms, but they are the most common). This is why it is important to consult with a practitioner well-versed in taking the proper history, ordering the proper testing, and recommending the appropriate treatments. It is typically a multifaceted approach, often treating more than one gland at a time. Sometimes we need to tonify certain glands, calm them down, or help them better regulate the types of hormones they produce. Sometimes we may even need to detoxify the organs, such as the liver, which helps with the hormones’ metabolism, or the bowel, which helps with their elimination.

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73 Balsam St S, Timmins, ON

705 268 5155


Mon & Wed: 9 AM to 12 PM and 1 PM to 5 PM

Tues & Thurs: 9 AM to 3 PM

Fri / Sat / Sun: Closed

© 2020 Sarah Romanowski, Naturopathic Doctor

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